Raspbery Pi Digital Billboard

This is a general guide to setting up a raspberry pi digital billboard. I have not had the chance to fully test this script yet, however it is adapted from a previous build I have completed. I also fully intend to move this onto GitHub once it is stable (just to become more familiar with GitHub).

#This bash file sets up raspberry Pi devices for the CRC
#This file must be run via SUDO on the default login account
#To run this file input the following four lines, subtract the #

#mv setup.sh ~/setup.sh
#cd ~/
#chmod 770 setup.sh
#sudo sh setup.sh

# ~Pre work~
#The devices should have the offical buster image installed.
#They should also have an active network connection

# Install software
apt update -y
apt upgrade -y
apt install feh vim -y

echo Network address in CIDR notation?
echo Ex
read networkAddress
echo Router?
echo Ex
read routerAddress
echo DNS server 1
read dnsOne
echo DNS server 2
read dnsTwo

#Remove old dhcpcd.conf
mv /etc/dhcpcd.conf /etc/dhcpcd.conf.old

#Create new network config
echo "
interface eth0
static ip_address=$networkAddress
static routers=$routerAddress
static domain_name_servers=$dnsOne $dnsTwo
" > /etc/dhcpcd.conf

#Reassign permissions for dhcpcd.conf
chmod 664 /etc/dhcpcd.conf

#Enable SSH
systemctl start ssh
systemctl enable ssh

#Enable VNC
ln /usr/lib/systemd/system/vncserver-x11-serviced.service /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/vncserver-x11-serviced.service
systemctl start vncserver-x11-serviced

#Check the network config
echo Attempting to ping the router
if ping -c 4 $routerAddress > /dev/null
        echo Success
        echo The router can not be reached. Please troubleshoot the network config/try again before contuning.
echo Attempting to ping $dnsOne
if ping -c 4 $dnsOne > /dev/null
        echo Success
        echo The DNS server can not be reached. Please troubleshoot the network config/try again before contuning.
echo Attempting to ping google.com
if ping -c 4 google.com > /dev/null
        echo Success
        echo DNS resolution has failed. Please troubleshoot the network config/try again before contuning.

#????? How do i add in checks here?

#Create new drive to mount
mkdir /home/$USER/networkDrive

#Add network drive to fstab
echo What folder network folder should feh look for the .jpg images in?
echo Ex: //
read networkLocation

#add login credentials for fstab, if needed

echo server login username (leave blank if not needed)
read serverUsername
echo server login password (leave blank if not needed)
read serverPassword
echo "
$networkLocation cifs username=$serverUsername,password=$serverPassword,noserverino
" >> /etc/fstab

#Crate start.sh
#Start.sh checks the netowrk drive, starts and restarts feh
echo "

#/dev/null is a self clearing file. Nothing can be written to it.
#This logic test checks if the output of pgrep can be written to /dev/null
#If there is no output, it can not be written, and fails.
if pgrep "$service" >/dev/null
        echo "$service is running"
                echo "$service is not running... Starting"
                sleep 1m
                sudo mount -a
                feh -Y -x -q -D 30 -B black -F -Z -r -R 500 /home/$USER/networkDrive/
fi" > /home/$USER/start.sh
chmod 755 /home/$USER/start.sh

#Set to start at bootup
#Configure Display to never turn off
echo "
@xset s off
@xset -dpms
@xset s noblank
sh /home/$USER/start.sh
" >> /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart

#Create restart cron job
echo "
* * * * * sh /home/pi/start.sh
" > /var/spool/cron/$USER

echo "
At this point the instulation should be done.
For troubleshooting read below, or read README with
more ~/README

If FEH does not start automaticly after a reboot there was an errer (Please allow up to five minuites after a reboot for feh to launch) . Use the following command to view this files contents, and track down the error.

#To view the setup and start scripts:: more /home/$USER/setup.sh more /home/$USER/start.sh

#To check if feh is running pgrep feh

#To check if the crontab is setup (It may be in either of these commands. The Crontab should show up.) crontab -l sudo crontab -u root -l

feh: feh is the slideshow program, it runs in the CLI -Y: hide pointer -x: Borderless -q: quiet no error reporting -D: Slide delay in seconds -B: image background -F: fullscreen -R: reload filelist every x seconds feh -Y -x -q -D 30 -B black -F -Z -r -R 500 /home/pi/networkDrive/ “ > /home/$USER/README